Here’s how other frustrated dieters over 40 have repaired their metabolisms and said goodbye to hiding under baggy clothes!

Are You Ready To Learn The 3 Steps To Release Stubborn Fat After 40, Without Faddy Dieting or Spending All Your Free Time Meal Prepping or Working Out?

It IS possible to lose weight for good without having to sacrifice your favourite foods, even if you have tried every possible diet, exercise and have run out of willpower.

And that's exactly what we’re going to work through together in this Metabolism masterclass.

Hosted by 

Louise Digby, BSc (Hons) NT, mBANT, CNHC.

I’m Louise Digby, a UK-based, women's weight loss expert and registered nutritional therapist. I help frustrated female dieters over 40 feel happy and confident in their own skin. After years of working with my clients to achieve lasting results, I have defined the steps to getting amazing results that actually last. 

Using my method, my team and I have helped hundreds of women to address the root causes of a sluggish metabolism and develop a healthy relationship with food so that they can start living life to the full. 

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